
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Some Tips For New Investor In Mutual Fund

But investing in mutual fund market timing are more important than things should be kept in mind .

First of all, take care

An ambitious unit holder should first decide how he 's Portfolio ( Portfolio ) wants to build . In other words, should decide to grant him the right to own property . These asset allocation (asset allocation) is called . Asset allocation is the way in which it determines that you put your money into various investments which are appropriate mix of asset classes .

Asset allocation rule that says property investors who are too old , the percentage of your portfolio should have as much money as your age . For example - if the investor is 25 years old, a 25 % debt (debt instrument) and the need to balance equity .

However, in reality , each person is different according to the different circumstances and financial condition may be needed investment allocation . Understand asset allocation , you should be aware of the many factors - such as age , occupation , number of family members , etc. to you . Generally the more you are young you can put as much riskier investments which you get better returns .

How to choose the right fund

Remember to select the right fund - the key to choosing the right funds and their investment theory depends on the stability of returns . You choose the right fund is suitable for your needs , consider the following points to make sure that :

• Set your financial goals .

• you are investing for your retirement ? Yha experience their child's education ? , Or for current income ?

• Consider your time frame . Do you need money in a time of three months or three years ? , As wide as your time will be eligible to take more risk in the investment .

• What do you think about taking risks ? The possibility of higher returns you to stock market fluctuations are in a position to afford ?

• Keep in mind - these are all factors affecting direct impact on the funds you choose and what return you expect to receive .

 Fund candy

• Diversified Equity Fund
• Index Fund
• Opportunities Fund
• Mid Cap Fund
• Equity Linked Saving Schemes
• sector funds such as auto , Hnlth Care , FMCG , banking , etc. I. T
• Balanced Fund invests in equity for those who want to risk 100 %

( Go chosen correctly , they can give better returns than other asset classes ) .

Different types of mutual funds and equity -based plans (see Fund candy ) serves .


Just fill in the application form is not enough to write and Czech . How your investments are performing , it is equally important to keep an eye on . A qualified and professional investment advisor you make the right decisions and measure the performance of your investments may help both . Additionally you should also know that you own with little help how can these sources .

Fact sheets and newsletters

Mutual fund fact sheet and newsletter published monthly and quarterly information including the portfolio , and performance of schemes managed by the Fund Manager report is published .


Website of mutual fund performance statistics , daily NAV ( net asset value ) , Fund Fact Sheet , which provides quarterly newsletters and press clippings etc. . The Association of Mutual Fund in India (AMFI) website also contains information about daily and historical NAV has other plans .


Sale of mutual fund schemes in the pages of newspapers , NAV and redemption price information. Also there are other economic analyzes and reports .


The information is very important to keep accurate information for you . you just have to spend the time to analyze and understand information . Your investment is needed to improve the chances of success . If he spends as much time as you earn money to spend a cent on it , then it would be a good start . Most of these funds is a professional consultant help choosing the right bike for the SIP ( Systematic Invest Plan ), STP ( Systematic Transfer Plan ) , and one-time investment to get the right mix .

Invest In Stocks Must Remember These Main Points

If you want to invest in stocks must remember these four main things .

1 . Choose the right company - to increase profits and choose the best company of its shareholders at least 20 % on capital gains are earned .
Ideally a long-term investment ( 5 years) allows you to participate in the development of the company .
Short -term ( 3 to 6 months) performance of the stock at the market price of the Company's basic principle is driven over . In the long term relevance of the price decreases .

2 . Disciplined Bear - Stock investing is a long learning process , in which you learn from your mistakes . Here are some facts from which it may be simpler to process .
15-20 less active for a long term investor country's various stock is good .

. Analyze the performance of your company, its quarterly results , annual reports and news articles which we live.
. Broker Find a good understanding of the disposal system .
. Ignore hot tips because if it really works, so we are crorepati .
. Avoid the temptation to buy more because each purchase of a new investment decision . Buy as many shares as the company has a total planned allocation .

3 . Monitoring and review - regular monitoring and review of its investments . The work is more important for volatile times when you can find better opportunities to choose prices .
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If necessary , you can review on Risk Analyzer because your risk profile and potential risks may change over a period of 12 months .

4 . Learn from mistakes - Identify your mistakes and learn from them during the review , because no one can beat your own experience . That's how your " pearls of wisdom " which will certainly be helpful in making a successful stock investor .