The most dangerous disease in cancer cells of the body. If it is not treated early in life can be so patient. Cancer is a disease caused by several reasons. Millions of tiny human body - is made up of small cells, the cancer begins in the cells. Different parts of the body such as bones, muscles and skin etc are all composed of cells.
Due to the nearly 100 types of cancer, cancer, develops because of damage to the cells. In the part of a person's body that leads to cancer cells that are damaged part. Through this article we are told that having cancer - what can be the reason?
When cancer can be deadly
In this case it is called tumors. Tumors of the digestive system also affects the circulatory system. Release of these hormones can affect the whole process of the body. Cancer cells in the body through the lymph system or dilates blood cells engulf healthy race. The patient's condition is serious and it can be incurable.
Spread of cancer cells is uncontrolled way. These rapidly growing cells do not die quickly. Body isolated cells grow equally. If this process continues. Cancer begins when the process is interrupted. Cancer is caused by the following reasons.
In rare cases, cancer is a genetic reasons too. In rare cases, it has been observed that some families have been found in certain types of cancer. Although the genetic cause of these cancers would not flourish. Therefore, certain types of cancer genes is concerned.
If you smoke, your lungs, mouth, esophagus, bladder, digestive gland and neck cancer is suspected. The death of one of 10 people who smoke causes cancer. The more you smoke the greater is the risk of getting cancer. Reduce the risk of cancer is to stop smoking.
You place the company or are employed in the factory. Her around hazardous chemicals present in the environment can also cause cancer. Variety of chemicals and gases are helpful in the proliferation of cancer cells. Working in a place without any precaution can be dangerous.
Old age is a cause of cancer. If you're old, you might have cancer. It is usually caused by damaged cells that accumulate over time. Aging decreases the body's resistance, because the cancer cells begin to flourish. Function of the immune system are affected in old age, it fixes damaged cells.
Your diet and modern lifestyle increases the risk of cancer. If you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables is a negligible risk of cancer. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Antioxidant that protects cells from being consumed them. Cancer cells may grow by eating too much fatty food. In addition, obesity, smokers, drinking alcohol and eating red meat is also more prone to cancer.
Radiation is a carcinogenic element. Nuclear release of radioactive elements or of falling increases the risk of cancer. Stay over exposure to the sun's rays and UVA rays UBA sunburn and skin cancer risk is due. The higher the radiation dose, the risk of cancer increases as well.
Some viruses and bacteria as cancer is concerned. For example, hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus in liver cancer cells and help to flourish. In most cases of cancer of liver cancer cases are caused by infection.

When cancer can be deadly
In this case it is called tumors. Tumors of the digestive system also affects the circulatory system. Release of these hormones can affect the whole process of the body. Cancer cells in the body through the lymph system or dilates blood cells engulf healthy race. The patient's condition is serious and it can be incurable.
Spread of cancer cells is uncontrolled way. These rapidly growing cells do not die quickly. Body isolated cells grow equally. If this process continues. Cancer begins when the process is interrupted. Cancer is caused by the following reasons.
If you smoke, your lungs, mouth, esophagus, bladder, digestive gland and neck cancer is suspected. The death of one of 10 people who smoke causes cancer. The more you smoke the greater is the risk of getting cancer. Reduce the risk of cancer is to stop smoking.
You place the company or are employed in the factory. Her around hazardous chemicals present in the environment can also cause cancer. Variety of chemicals and gases are helpful in the proliferation of cancer cells. Working in a place without any precaution can be dangerous.
Old age is a cause of cancer. If you're old, you might have cancer. It is usually caused by damaged cells that accumulate over time. Aging decreases the body's resistance, because the cancer cells begin to flourish. Function of the immune system are affected in old age, it fixes damaged cells.
Radiation is a carcinogenic element. Nuclear release of radioactive elements or of falling increases the risk of cancer. Stay over exposure to the sun's rays and UVA rays UBA sunburn and skin cancer risk is due. The higher the radiation dose, the risk of cancer increases as well.
Some viruses and bacteria as cancer is concerned. For example, hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus in liver cancer cells and help to flourish. In most cases of cancer of liver cancer cases are caused by infection.
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