
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

She looks like a Barbie doll

She looks like a Barbie doll. Her eyes, her body, her style will surprise you that such a large, real-looking girl, when breathing became Barbie doll? But the truth is that it looks like a children's play-ing the Barbie doll is definitely a win - a classic real girl. Yes, you see two people having a face to God's charisma. Ing the world's most famous Barbie doll looking at this girl that looks like a shining probably saying, Thou God took the man to steal the model.

Ukraine model equally aggressive Vleria Lukyanova first visit, you may see that a life-size Barbie doll is standing in front of you. Vleria Lukyanova looks exactly like a Barbie doll. Anatomy, proportions, facial expressions, anywhere you would not suspect her Barbie doll is not. Assuming that you are breathing, how to become a life-sized Barbie doll! Which look like Barbie doll face and stature - the 21-year-old saddle Ukrainian models nowadays it has become the subject of discussion everywhere. Even more interesting are the things Vleria.

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