
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Britney Spears finally told the true about Real Life

32- year-old American megastar Britney Spears is surrounded by many concerns because of his shyness . The new E- documentary I Am Britney Jean and nervous during his shyness and anxiety is shared by the media  Event special two-hour movie with Britney - is In said . He says everything through music , which is like him . Britney in many aspects of his life have introduced specific manner .

Britney said that a kind of self-consciousness is always with him , because I 'm a little girl . The big gap between Stage and feels his real life . He felt himself cut off from society have an important role . The Britney broke her relationship with boyfriend Jason Trovik . He then has increased proximity with new boyfriend David Lukado . Britney says she is a simple man . She is funny and dear ones . Britney is going to show this week in Las Vegas .

 Girl Britney Spears finally told the true preference of Real Life

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