
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Is forced to look sexy and provocative: singer Charlotte

He says that it is not only reduced but also the dignity of women sex objects by the artist themselves are being forced to sell .

He said that when he was 19 or 20 years if male executive who insist on wearing clothes that were too small for video .
Charlotte, Rihanna , Miley Cyrus and Robin Thick criticized .
Click on the music industry , his recent indictment of current pop star Rihanna and Miley Cyrus has the provocative gestures on the hot and hot debate .

Charlotte Church says that the music business is dominated by men , this approach hinges on Gender and Sexuality and show them as young artists wanting sex object , is increasing.

Star says that sexy young singers excessive , unrealistic , cartoon-like being shown .

She adds , '' When I was 19 or 20 years, even I found myself in the same situation , then frequent small on me - was forced to wear short dresses .

He said , '' middle-aged men with me again and again say , you 're awesome , you have a great body , why not show it ? Or they say - do not worry , it will look fantastic , artistic look , take it all, but I was feeling very uncomfortable Executive me again and again they were a reminder . ''

He recalls how his video " Call My Name in 2005 in a bikini and knee-high boots dance with them seemed very poor .

Is still stretched tight

He also says , '' I can not escape the blame himself from responsibility , then I had to just cross the teenage . But for those demonstrations on me social media is constantly taunted and abused animals . ''

For the past because of their better places to promote your music on the go is difficult .

Charlotte 's especially Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and Robin Thick criticized .

Miley Cyrus at the MTV awards last month , along with Robin Thick dance with such expressions and gestures , a few people went significantly beyond the limits of decency .

Then Shinad O'Connor warned that the Miley Syrus an open letter to the music business through the click Allow yourself to be exploited .

He also alleged that the video Bevsaits Charlotte younger audience doing nothing to keep away from such videos . Annie Lennox He supported this point of the pop videos like movies should be rated according to age .

Charlotte Church also said that radio stations do not listen to the songs of artists such image should think about .

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