First of all routine oil massage on the body after shower or bath before including but not anymore . Do not be shocked ! Let us know a few things associated with oil massage ...
Massage oil on our skin glow lasts longer and keeps old age away . Oil massage is a sure way patinated and beautiful skin persists . This prevents the skin from diseases .
Says the king - the king and the public who gave full time to massage oils and body and mind are both pleased . When the mind will delight in the work and success will look like . According to the scriptures, this routine should be followed regularly Old age comes quickly . It is a scientific action to keep the human body healthy .
Our bodies contain numerous Romchidra . The hole, polluted air and dirt from the body expel gas . The holes are closed in the absence of daily cleaning . Romchidra close we are exposed to many diseases . To avoid this, we should daily take bath and body oil massage . They are always open to the Romchidra . Oil massage there is a good flow of blood in our body .
Well Massage Oil for healthy skin , such as regular routine but a few days a week - Sunday , Tuesday and Friday should not massage oil . Why ? ...
According to the scriptures, Sunday is related to the sun . The heat is generated from the sun . Bile in the body than other days this day is bound to be . Heat is generated from oil massage . On Sunday massage with oil from the fear of getting the disease .
Tue planet is red . The planet has an effect on our blood . The day was higher blood pressure in the body itching , abscesses - pimple is always the risk of skin diseases etc. .
Similarly, the planet Venus is associated with semen element . Seminal massage can lead to this day .
If you have a daily massage oil, flower Sunday , Tuesday and Friday of cow urine soil without reactions from taking place .
Massage oil to aging , fatigue and not Wayurog . Blindness is faster and sleep better . Having beautiful skin is the body 's beauty shines .
Massage oil on our skin glow lasts longer and keeps old age away . Oil massage is a sure way patinated and beautiful skin persists . This prevents the skin from diseases .
Says the king - the king and the public who gave full time to massage oils and body and mind are both pleased . When the mind will delight in the work and success will look like . According to the scriptures, this routine should be followed regularly Old age comes quickly . It is a scientific action to keep the human body healthy .
Our bodies contain numerous Romchidra . The hole, polluted air and dirt from the body expel gas . The holes are closed in the absence of daily cleaning . Romchidra close we are exposed to many diseases . To avoid this, we should daily take bath and body oil massage . They are always open to the Romchidra . Oil massage there is a good flow of blood in our body .

According to the scriptures, Sunday is related to the sun . The heat is generated from the sun . Bile in the body than other days this day is bound to be . Heat is generated from oil massage . On Sunday massage with oil from the fear of getting the disease .
Tue planet is red . The planet has an effect on our blood . The day was higher blood pressure in the body itching , abscesses - pimple is always the risk of skin diseases etc. .
Similarly, the planet Venus is associated with semen element . Seminal massage can lead to this day .
Massage oil to aging , fatigue and not Wayurog . Blindness is faster and sleep better . Having beautiful skin is the body 's beauty shines .
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