
Monday, December 30, 2013

Ways To Prepare Them For Sex

Those special moments spent between the two of you must be bold , not wild . If you mail in your mind and your partner desires are awakened not understand your feelings , so many ways you can fire in their hearts . Some of these methods are also very simple to highly stimulating .

Relationships is necessary to carry away the heat to maintain them . Here's some of the same methods , the same gestures , gestures that you can make them restless -

These very naughty but fun way. Such tricks will make him/her badly desperate. Part ears are very sensitive to both men and women . Therefore, blow softly in his ears , whispering that stimulate . His desire to wake up and start cutting teeth on the edges of the ears ( lightly ) and see how he takes to fill in hand To tickle in their throat
Like the throat area is too sensitive ears . Slow cut or lick their noble aspirations of the heart in the same gestures and pointing gestures can . Watch, he will be filling out a sigh .

Touch their chests and West
As opposed to the old belief , men like to be your partner touch . Slowly turns his nails on his chest and waist Take a look and magic . You'll see them will stand on end .

By talking to hot tees
Believe it or not , but when the women opened their hearts to hang things , if it sounds too good to men . When it comes to those special moments and some sexy things to them , so the atmosphere becomes even more colorful . If you absolutely can not do dirty things so lightly by the same tees .

Touch yourself for pleasure
The best and effective way to start touching himself in front of them . It seems that many men are extremely Exciting Doses showing his Lady Love persuades them that way in front of them .


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