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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dont propose on Valentine's Day

Blue Valentine's Day on February 14 propose that the time was considered the best , but now it is also a day when you can propose .

A recent survey found that the proposed addition to Valentine's Day or Christmas The day before Christmas Eve (24 of December ) is the best day .

Published in the Daily Mail , 32 per cent of the respondents supported this . The surprising thing is that Christians celebrated the special day on October 31 Halloween is considered the best day to propose . Halloween Day is ranked fifth in the survey .

Overall, 49 per cent believe that Christmas is the perfect time to propose .

15 per cent felt that the proposed use of the best technologies .

When asked how they got the answer you would like to email technology . Also popular was the answer text messages . Text message votes were 27 per cent , while 19 per cent of the vote in the last place to find phone .

The survey also found that male dominance still prevails in society . When asked the men if their girlfriend is going to propose to them what they will accept . 65 per cent of men refused to answer this question .

The second and Flirt Dating Site Survey of 2000 found that the dot com one - third of people believe that the first day of Christmas the right to break the relationship .

Christmas and Relationship

If you are with the past few months , is totally different . Only 10 per cent said he should wait a year or two .

With almost 60 per cent of men felt the first day of the new year after spending two spend together , while only 36 percent believe that was the number of women .

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