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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Workout Is Very Imp To Improve Your Sex Life

Blue aging reduces sexual desire of women , but the effect of antidepressant drugs Depression reduces sexual desire in women .

According to a research , the daily workout then to some extent can be used to reduce drug side effects .

According to a research published in the Daily Mail , you should exercise for 30 minutes before sex , it just is affected .

Depression and  According to a report in the online edition of the journal , a disturbance in the sex life does not need expensive medications . Rather mild workout is sufficient to overcome the problem .

Project researchers selected 72 women who complained of anti- depression pills sexual side effects .

During the experiment , participants had sex for three weeks without any exercise . After three weeks of group exercise half women and half before sex cardio exercise in the week when he was then living wills . During the last experiment both himself - to change their exercise .

Women who were regular exercise into your workout session to add three additional states . All participants shared their experiences before and after . Based on these experiences, the scientists concluded that exercise has improved his orgasm .

The survey also found that women who have sex immediately before exercise significantly improved their libido .

Scientists believe that exercise increases blood circulation in the area of Vagina the anti- depression pills reduce blood flow in the body .

If you want to improve your sex life , sex must immediately before the 30-minute workout .

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