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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Home Remedies for Prostate Cancer

Home remedies for the treatment of prostate cancer can be very effective . The prostate is a gland located around the upper part of the barrel of urine occurs. It is like a walnut-sized gland . Prostate cancer usually only occurring in men after the age of 50 have the disease . If you know the opening stage of prostate cancer can be treated . It is Examination rectal treatment . The serum PSA in the blood and urinary system ultrasound examination is provided . Also , by following some home remedy to treat this type of cancer can be. Let us show you home remedies for prostate cancer .
Home Remedies for Prostate Cancer
Aloe vera - aloe vera for the treatment of prostate cancer is considered the best . Prostate cancer sufferers should regularly consume aloe vera . Found in aloe vera anti-cancer substances that inhibit the growth of cancer cells .
Broccoli - Broccoli sprouts present in the cells of cancer -fighting phytochemical help . It also has anti-oxidant do work and purify the blood . Protestant cancer should eat broccoli .
Green Tea - a regular guy living with prostate cancer two cups of green tea should be consumed . Found in green tea anti-cancer Ttve .
Garlic - Garlic contains medicinal properties . Garlic is very powerful anti - oxidant such as a - Ellison , selenium , vitamin C , B vitamins . This causes the prevention of cancer and cancer is not the cancer grows from the use of garlic .
Grapes - Grapes are also effective for the treatment of cancer Prostate considered . Grapes are rich in Pornthosainidis , thereby decreasing the production of estrogen . It helps in the treatment of prostate cancer .
Soybeans - Soybeans also helps in the treatment of prostate cancer . Prostate cancer patients with everyday food cooked soybeans or soybean seedlings should take . Every type of enzyme found in soybeans , such as protection against cancer .
Guava and watermelon - guava and watermelon for the treatment of prostate cancer are also very effective . Guava and watermelon lycopene anti-cancer element that is found in higher amounts . So prostate cancer patients should eat more of these fruits .
White grass -White grass is very useful for the treatment of prostate cancer . Whist Grass reduce cancerous cells . Also White grass body from eating disorders - has the power to fight toxic substances are removed from the body .
Also locks prostate cancer patients should be plentiful intake of fruits and Vegetables
During these home remedy treatments for prostate cancer have no impact must contact your doctor .

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