Kareena Kapoor recently confirmed that Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film Ram Leela is left . But the film 's director Punit Malhotra 's forthcoming film Guzaarish has found the time . Imran Khan will work in the film .
Kareena 's manager Zahid said the movie is better than we thought, at 150 days to three films . Besides Kareena also said a few days ago that he has signed some big banner films . Karina 's big banner films these films are probably the Karan Johar production .
According to sources, Kareena has so sacred because of Karan 's film . Recently Kareena sacred Dharma Productions office in Khar met . After a long chat with Karan Kapoor has agreed to the project . Kareena Kapoor and Imran Khan will appear together on screen for the second time .
Kareena 's manager Zahid said the movie is better than we thought, at 150 days to three films . Besides Kareena also said a few days ago that he has signed some big banner films . Karina 's big banner films these films are probably the Karan Johar production .
According to sources, Kareena has so sacred because of Karan 's film . Recently Kareena sacred Dharma Productions office in Khar met . After a long chat with Karan Kapoor has agreed to the project . Kareena Kapoor and Imran Khan will appear together on screen for the second time .
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