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Thursday, July 18, 2013

What is Diabetes, How to avoid Diabetes

Diabetes is a medical condition in which the Pancreas has negative effects on the ability to produce insulin. It is the hormone that regulates blood glucose level is. The absence of adequate amounts of insulin, diabetes is growing rapidly.

When blood sugar levels are rising, and so are many signs. Dizziness is one of these. Besides thirst, increased hunger, fatigue and lethargy realization happens. The effect of diabetes on the eyes and the eyes of even the most profound effect on blood cells. If the vision is blurred because the rounds begin to appear. With high blood sugar levels also have an impact on the efficiency of the heart. If the clot is deposited around the heart, so it does not get enough oxygen and causing headaches, dizziness too.

Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. It works to absorb glucose from the cells. If you have diabetes, so in this case your Pancreas gland does not work properly. It significantly increases the amount of glucose in the blood. In medical language, this situation Hyperglycemia  is called. It is also worth noting that in the blood of diabetics are not always high amounts of sugar. Many times the amount of sugar in their blood decreases. This situation Hypoglycemia  says.

People come round to the situation. Sometimes be higher or lower blood glucose levels can give you many kinds of problems. If you stand up after sitting long enough to face this situation.

Diabetes is more or less the amount of headaches, dizziness. We know better than to treat any disease that is not given to him. So we're trying to tell you something you can avoid by adopting other measures.
It shall regularly check your blood sugar levels. Doing so for any serious circumstance can prepare themselves already.
Make exercise part of your everyday life. Just 30 minutes of daily brisk walk will burn extra calories from your body, which keeps your sugar level is normal.
Give full attention to your diet. A balanced and high - fiber diet plan and go. Include all essential nutrients in your diet. Make necessary part of their diet fiber. Eating less and could have negative impacts on your body sugar levels.
Take medications at the time. Eat only medicines by the doctor. A drug commonly used several times the amount of sugar in your blood suddenly reduces.
More salt, sugar and carbohydrates  Avoid foods. Even a cup of coffee and cola may be abnormal amount of sugar in your body.
Make necessary changes in your lifestyle. Small - small change can change your life. You can take green tea instead of coffee. You can use the stairs instead of the elevator. Gym, yoga or dance class can also be helpful for you.
Do not take lightly dizziness. It is a sign of the wake.

1 comment:

  1. Great ... Did you known diabetes can be cured naturally? I was unaware that diabetes could be cured. I was browsing the web and came across this one. Check it out, I don’t have diabetes but I thought this video would be helpful to someone.


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