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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

'What is platelets?' If this were many. This article will answer that question.

'What is platelets?' If this were many. This article will answer that question.

Hemoglobin, platelets like plazma blood factor is a major component. Blood glucose levels and blood vessels and cause injury if the bleeding does not work or be more 'platelets' is the name of the cells.

Cells that appear to be either a platelet. So, they 'platelets' is the name of the scientists said. Cells for medical or language, thrombocytes, the term is used.

There are mainly three cells in blood.  (RBC), white - cells . and platelets .The blood in the 'platelets' is the number of the highest. Platelets or large in the bone and its components (Red bon marrow) with - or mega carosites or cells are constructed from. The life blood is generally 5-9 days. Platelets in the spleen old (Stein) and hepatic (liver) or in  destroyed.

Platelets work

Keeping the blood flowing vains is important. The main task is flowing blood oxygen. various organs in the body and blood to feed on. In the event of an injury more blood from the blood vessels can be carried if caused to death.

The time of the injury and platelets in the bloodstream fiber together and work on it is broken. The platelets 'guard human body' is right.

Plateslets number

Typically, half of the human body platelets number is half lakh.

If you exceed the number of blood thrombus, vains the bloodstream can cause a bottleneck. The heart disease, stroke as ill. If the blood vessels in the digital , the body can cause part of the deaf.

If the amount is less than the number of bleeding more.  The skin is reddish dots. Monthly seminal fluid: for all is more. Fatigue is the most blood are coming from.

Reasons for the lack of platelets

• break bone, heat maleria
• Genetic Diseases
• Chemotherapy

If you reduce the number of ...

Break bone, or partner of febrile malaria platelets may help reduce the number of sudden. If the heat for 2-3 days, and the symptoms of Diseases If you notice medical consultation immediately blood test (CBC test) should be. Measures to according.

If you want to reduce the number of things that Platelets:

• Do not eat garlic.
• Do not hectic and exercise more elaborately.
• aesprin, coldract should not get medicines.
• do not have to brush your teeth , the efficiency should be.
• well - or, to use extra care when using a mouse.
• constipation will not be, should be ensured.
• Consult the doctor immediately.

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