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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Method of vaccine without needle invented in U K

Adinbra was introduced in the UK through which such Skinpach click cheaper and more effective vaccines can be prepared.

The inventor said the vaccine patch to replace needles used  manner of diseases around the world can change.

Professor Mark Kendall said the new way to book useful for diseases like malaria vaccine could be ready.

Cool combination

"Nanopac work on the launcher skin's immune system. We target these cells from the skin surface, which are equal to the width of the hair"

PRO. Mark Kendall, University of Queensland

It is no accident that the same Adinbra Kendel introduced his invention, where 160 years ago, Alexander Wood, was first injected a patient.

He said, "Nowadays a new patient, the needle is nothing unique inset. It is a 160 year old technology. "

Clean water and clean - cleaning as well as it's something the world has played a key role in ensuring long lifetime.

But he says that this technique was a long-felt need of improvement.

About 160 years ago today, the traditional needle was first used.
PRO. Kendall Also some other reason that makes it important invention.

Thousands of patch releases small launcher vaccine, which is put on the skin is dry.

She explains that "Nanopac work on the launcher skin's immune system. We target these cells from the skin surface, which are equal to the width of the hair. "

"But it seems that we are immune to overlook point, which may result in skin rather than Mansposhion." Offers traditional needle target muscles.

University of Queensland in Brisbane Australia in their laboratory tests during the flu vaccines were used Nanopac.

Nanopac researchers found that the immune system responds to the vaccine given was very different than the traditional needle.

Low dose

Vaccinating needle through is significantly lower than the dose required in new technology.
PRO. Kendall explains, "This means that we can prepare to vaccination and a totally different way."

This technique is much lower dose necessary, barely hundredth part of the traditional diet.

He said, "A vaccine is priced at $ 10, it can be brought down to a mere 10 cents."

With traditional vaccines in liquid form due to a problem that has to be kept in the refrigerator.

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